A few human beings longing for connection / a small printmaking workshop based out of Oakland, California. They specialize in hand-printed & assembled objects, and are blessed to be able to make them in a small studio by an Oakland farmhouse with a lemon tree. People I've Loved 's works (or pressing issues) intend to facilitate the communication between real, tactile people. Not that they want to deny people their digital selves, we just think there can be room for both. People I've Loved started in 2011 when Carissa Potter decided to create a stationary line that would bridge the gap between people by helping them have authentic and sometimes difficult conversations. We believe that more brains are better than one, and do all concept development as a team. We talk about our issues & interests as a group and see how we can address them authentically to help people get through their days. Take a deep long breath, things will turn out alright.